Saturday, April 18, 2009

Letters Home From Boot Camp: 'I’m doing well with marksmanship'


Dear Mom,


That was a big phone card.

I got your package. The drill sergeant was like "Now THAT’S a care package! Everyone should get that!” It was funny.

We’re getting ready to start our last phase already.

I’ve been gone almost two months but it feels like I just left home.

I’m doing well with marksmanship. I’m one of 20 people in the entire company that qualified with pop-ups and multiple targets. I was terrified the first time and it was with a fake rifle on a computerized thing. The drill sergeant said that I was a good shot and laughed.

Since we’ve hit white phase the still sergeants slacked off on us and are actually playing around and having fun. BCT isn’t too bad at all I guess. I can’t believe it’s almost over. I still can’t do any push-ups fast enough.

I’d call but I lost my card. I still can’t believe that. I have about 20 minutes on a card but that’s need to last until I get a chance to buy a new one I guess. Oh well. I’ll be in AIT soon and will be able to get a phone line.


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