Dear Mom,
Thanks for the cash and stamps. I’m severely short of free time so it’s hard to write. (It’s 5:07 a.m. right now and I’m pulling fireguard.)
Tell Damon thank you for puzzle and Valentines, they made me a little happier.
I got in trouble yesterday. I fell out of the run and they gave me a counseling statement. The worst part is that the Drill Sergeant lied on it and I can’t prove it and had to sign it. It makes me very angry. That man is gradually loosing more and more of my respect.
I have my voice back but I keep coughing up stuff.
All this running and marching has jacked up my back. If I go to sick call to have it checked out, my drill just may kick me out of the platoon. He’s a real jerk.
When you talk to Nancy and Terry, tell them I got their letter.
I need to go.”
(No signature)
Hang in there, baby girl.
15 years ago
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