April 19, 2009
Dear Tiffany,
As I re-read this week the letters you sent home from boot camp 10 years ago, my heart still aches at knowing what a difficult time that was for you.
The letters also nearly make my heart burst with pride because you had the strength, determination and maturity to stick it out. You clearly learned and gained self-confidence from boot camp, which is exactly what it is designed to do.
I’m sure I haven’t told you this often enough but I am proud of you, not only for making it through boot camp but also for serving your country. I know those four years weren’t easy, especially in 2001 when, just days after you finished AIT, the terrorist attacks on our country took place and in the following months when many of your friends were sent to Iraq.
More important, though, I am proud of the intelligent, independent young woman you are. I admire you for forging and following your own path.
I wish you happiness always.
With all my love,
PS. I hope you never again have to fire a rifle, launch a grenade, rappel from a tower, kick a soldier’s butt in hand-to-hand combat, run a mile in 11 minutes or stab things with a bayonet.
15 years ago
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